Published 9 years ago - 964 plays
Just getting my ideas going, don't mind me... First one to guess what that thing is under the last star gets a prize! Like, sub, and challenge your friends!!!
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9 years ago
djnknslfn -18 1i 18 1i#-11 -15 -1c -a,-11 -13 -u -9,-s -q -1c -k,-f -n -r 5,-d -n -n 4,-g -b -n -8,e -c h j,d -c 10 c,t 7 f a,d -14 h -a,a -1a u -c,m -n e -k,-d -1l -k -n,-f -1l 4 -n,-5 -14 -i -11,-14 9 -1h 18,-17 4 -q 14,-s r -1e v,-1h -d -1n c,-1j -c -19 6,-1e 0 -1n 4,1c g u 1i,1c e 1l 1f,1e 13 10 16,19 -f 12 k,18 -a 1n 7,1i 4 13 9,11 -1e u -8,13 -16 1k -k,1d -r m -i,1f -2b 1e -22,1i -1l 1i -1f,28 -28 25 -10,26 -k 24 -9,-1b -3p -q -2n,-f -2c -c -24,-2m -3k -1s -1s,-1p -1e -1n
9 years ago
FatLard212 well?
9 years ago
djnknslfn u. Have. Won. A. Treasure. !
9 years ago
U.S.S. Enterprise, the one with Picard as captain, 1701