Teleport Sound
TheNeed (Read Desc)
Published 8 years ago - 730 plays
This track is dedicated to TheNeed who lost his mother and to other people who have lost their mothers or relatives due to cancer and all that bad stuff. I'm really sorry who that has happend to and hope you feel better
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- Lean Right
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Front Brake Advanced+
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- Remove Checkpoint
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Toggle Player View Race mode only
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No friend best times, challenge some! |
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8 years ago
Thank you so much ❤
8 years ago
TheNeed Hope you feel better!
8 years ago
F1n1sh no I make my tracks on my computer and mostly comment and play tracks on my iPad
8 years ago
F1n1sh haha. Yep. I used to do my tracks on my iPad, but those were my older ones. But they are still sorta decent.