Contest! (Desc.)
Published 8 years ago - 730 plays
New contest! Template in the description, and the rules are that you only can add, no deleting! Heli is not included in template. Just let your Imagination fly, and have fun! Also, all entries will get a sub, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will get a track! Like and Sub!
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8 years ago
0 -cg -15g p0 15g p0 0 -cg,-18 18 -18 -u 18 -u 18 18 18 mg 68 mg,130 mg 68 mg,-18 18 -18 mg -q8 mg,-tc p0 -tj p0 -u0 ov -uc ot -un oq -v1 on -vb oi -vj oc -vr o6 -102 nu -108 nm -10d nc -10h n2 -10l mn -10n mb -10p lt -10q lf -10q l8 -10r l6 -10r l2 -10r kt -10q ko -10o kj -10l kd -10g k4 -106 jm -vo j7 -v8 im -ul i4 -ua hq,-pu mg -so mg##T 12c no,T 106 li