Poll night!
Published 8 years ago - 465 plays
It's poll night! America's doom. Anyway who are you voting for? I'm voting for NOBODY FOR PRESIDENT 2016. Comment about who sucks and stuff. Subscribe to hate on Trump. Like to hate on Hillery. Can we get 100 likes and subs for hate?
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8 years ago
CAIJEFFREY Alright. I'm so glad Hillary isn't president!
8 years ago
ArrowDynamics BTW This is Lord_blaster second acount. #Hillary 4 prison
8 years ago
#Hillary 4 prison
8 years ago
I see what you mean. They r both definitely not fit 4 president. However, the question is which is the lesser evil. Either way one of them is going to be president sadly. If we can choose the slightly better (but still bad) candidate, than it won't be quite as bad. I'd say its better to lean towards Trump. Yes he has made some mistakes, but at least he doesn't support letting parents kill their own babies, letting illegal immigrants in to America, getting away with email scams, and lying.