NSP 3K Collab! Desc.

Published 8 years ago - 21.8k plays
As you know, Ninjasparkour took a break from FRHD. As you also probably know, he just became the second FRHD player to ever hit 3,000 subscribers! Now, I will be hosting a huge collab in honor of him since he is not here to make his own special. There are four spots open, and I have to approve you.
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- Accelerate
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- Lean Right
- Change Direction
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Front Brake Advanced+
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- Remove Checkpoint
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Toggle Player View Race mode only
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8 years ago
wow!what a track!
8 years ago
PoyZin k
8 years ago
alright, Pine i made my final edit, PLEASE check forums
8 years ago
XxElectricGamerX yea i wont play as much either in summer