A New Name
Published 8 years ago - 554 plays
Hey people dommnt down below what new name I should have!!! Like and Sub for more tracks!!! Here is the track if you want to make changes to it: -18 1i 18 1i,-7g -4m -7g 1i -18 1i -18 -u -1s -u,7g -4m 18 1i,7g -4m 7g 1i 18 1i,-cg 68 -cg -cg,-cg 68 -cg cg cg cg cg -cg -bs -cg -cg -cg,-1i -u -3e -u -7
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8 years ago
I dont need a new name i changed my mind
8 years ago
8 years ago
but what new name should i have?
8 years ago
switch the wheelie to a auto Skrampth