Upon A Snow Pile

Published 7 years ago - 809 plays
I just thought I would remind everyone fortunate enough to live in the colder areas of the world that it will soon be time for us to clear our snow.
I think I'll do another snow-type track, curves are fun to draw.
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7 years ago
Siona I looked up Zentangles, it looks cool.
7 years ago
Siona I can draw OK perspective sketches and faces with a pencil. The mouse is a whole different game...
7 years ago
SlashDash haha i still can't draw w a mouse for my life, even tho im good at drawing in real life (but i do zentangles, so those are really hard to draw w a mouse. bc of this, im practicing in MC paint before i do my next track lol)
7 years ago
Siona Thanks! It has been a process to start transferring my pencil skills to mouse skills.