BMX skills box(es)
Published 7 years ago - 543 plays
This track will help the noobs learn some good skills. Experts can also hone their skills here.
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7 years ago
tetrationiscool I'm so sad about the spartan helmets because that was very prestigious for me. I also did like the black/white. I would think that mobile is almost impossible to operate as well.
7 years ago
TheLastTerrarian oh yeah, I forgot about that. They added 200 new heads, and you buy a random head for increasing cost. The horse head, space helmets, and spartan helmets are no longer a mark of wealth. I disliked that update the most. They made the background more turquoise/blue. I prefer the black, white, and gray, but it's not too bad I suppose. I think they were trying to appeal to the younger players.
7 years ago
tetrationiscool Did the shop and main background change as well?
7 years ago
TheLastTerrarian you can play around with the new stuff in the editor. The balloon only goes right. Hold accelerate to go up. Hold nothing to sink down more slowly. That's about it as far as I know.