The Ellie Badge ft. Doodlenut
Published 6 years ago - 20.3k plays
Enjoy this peaceful ride through Disney Pixar's "Up" I had a lot of fun making this with Doodlenut Who is leaving but will make a return in August, it was a great opportunity to make a track with such an amazing author, don't forget the bonus at the end it captures the whole meaning of the track!
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3 years ago
Figured Doodlenut cool beans
3 years ago
Figured super super fun track! missed a star on my first two runs, but who cares, was fun to play it again haha
4 years ago
Sltg28 haha, i think you've written a 3rd of an essay there already but thanks alot man, we appreciate it
4 years ago
() its so fun and i enjoyed every part of it. The detail is so clean that you can still see the ride in such a big amount of detail. I did it to the end, even the bonus part discovering the grape fruit badge :P, without any problems trying to find the ride. This track is simply awesome, is such a monstrous track with such a great, and well defined, detail. Undeniable feat, if someone wants to argue with me wether it should featured or no, I’ll give him a long aĆs essay convincing him.