Published 1 decade ago - 15.6k plays
Ride through the ancient forest of Woodmere, with complimentary ruins!
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1 year ago
Wayward np, just know that it's quite tricky with these kinds of tracks; i dont generally think size is a good qualifier for what is and is not feat-worthy, but it is still a consideration/bias nonetheless
1 year ago
Volund I see. Thank's for walking me through it!
1 year ago
Wayward it would be borderline for sure (whilst this is featured, sumatran rainforest by forlorn333 isnt), but if the art is good enough it would be (case in point: malishya's first feat). the trouble with tracks of this size is that you greatly lower your chance of a feat, as your art needs to be all but perfect to make up for lack of size - pretty much, anything that is less than 10 seconds long is always going to struggle to be featured
1 year ago
I'm not trying to be nitpicking, I just came across this track looking for some inspo for a style I'd like to try out and genuinely got curious