Spacebarring! (desc.)

Published 5 years ago - 8.7k plays
SBing is a strategy, not hack, that can greatly improve your ghost. Some say you improve as soon as you start, but honestly it can take 1-4 wks. (You might get worse for a little while D:). If your comp can SB, I say it's worth it, bc I've improved a lot with it. Tutorial vid in the comments. Enjoy!
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3 years ago
if ur on a mac, i suggest getting a keyboard to hook up to it... spacebarring broke my built in one XD...
4 years ago
ThunderFoot No, it only breaks when you TAS like me
4 years ago
Ranger_X when you spacebar, does it break ghosts? Or is it just me...
4 years ago
RadiumRC haha yeah, after seeing so many autos I kinda figured it out lol