read desc
Published 4 years ago - 385 plays
are my tracks any good like or dislike like my tracks are good dislike if they are bad and comment on what i can improve on
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4 years ago
Uncle_Rico ay i under stand the feeling schools been ruf for me as well
4 years ago
NightmareTTV Sorry lol I was in a less than desirable state earlier today, I've been really stressed with the school semester ending soon and I was probably a little harsh on you - I hope I wasn't too bad
4 years ago
Uncle_Rico ok i am 13 and i make my tracks i dont write a whole essay for the desc
4 years ago
NightmareTTV Use decent grammar and punctuation. Seriously, I understood your description but it was painful to read. Unless you're under 10 or English isn't your first language, you have no excuse. I hate people that don't punctuation. Sorry for going off on you lol, but come on.