Published 4 years ago - 315 plays
+1 = $1 pls people are dying out there and what if your siblings or your parent's or grandparent dies of coivd and I will do something about it I will pay $1 for each as Iike get I will be donating to here https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/donate lets change the world!
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4 years ago
4 years ago
TheGreatCat 1.i'm only subscribed to see you do your tracks 2. i'm not donating money because if people would ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE RULES and wear a mask and social distance THIS WOULDN'T FREIKIN.G HAPPEN
4 years ago
TheGreatCat like begger, -1. U only be donating 3 dollars
4 years ago
TrackMaker96 do you think u can be #1?