Published 4 years ago - 5.0k plays
about 1 and 1/2 days late to this, also now 10,000 from tic, which is pretty cool. another cool thing is 360 subs. I'll probably make a map for 400 subs, if I ever reach it. That's all from me for now :)
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3 years ago
ShamatoZ ok cool thanks for the explanation
3 years ago
EthMan I'm not multiple people, just to set the record straight. That one month super grind was because I really wanted to get to 100k before I quit, but I didn't end up quiting. I'm probably not going to do something like that again. If you ever happen to follow my growth in points, you'd notice it's never at an inhuman rate.
3 years ago
CHARREDLIZARD21 idk... i was thinking maybe multiple people had access to the same account so that they could pointgrind 2x as fast but i have no evidence to back that up
4 years ago
ShamatoZ 130k now :O absolute legend