Spike fall
Published 4 years ago - 15.4k plays
This is my spike fall. If you guys didnt hear Im leaving wednesday until I get a new charging cord for my computer at home. 15 likes to make a trial at the bottom. Cya, AfterImage
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1 year ago
thats hard but i am done
2 years ago
mydude1 can't beat your time
2 years ago
also yeah likes don't mean much, sometimes tracks get popular and get on trending and just get a lot of likes, they don't usually indicate the quality of a track, but feat tracks usually get likes faster, if not that then at least more consistently, because they are featured and have the badge on them
2 years ago
AfterImage has always been like this, agreed. The worst thing are the "5 likes for more" tracks, those are garbage. I don't care about which tracks are trending, but it's kinda dumb seeing attention taken away from tracks with effort put into them, and that attention being put into a track made in like 5 minutes