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Published 4 years ago - 463 plays
I am now in a terriblecondition,when i drove home in my car,my heart start aching,while i was aching,i didnt notice the car infront,so the car hitted my car,and i was flying with my left hand in pain,i now have only have a right arm,my left arm was gone,plus i had 10 years to live,i really wanna die
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Front Brake Advanced+
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4 years ago
The_Extreme_Auto there are loads of better games to play other than this. also i‘d expect someone 28 years old to use proper grammar and to put spaces after periods and commas
4 years ago
RandomTurtleBoi Because i was the creative type,this was my side game,ofc,id not waste my time on this,i dont play this game for 7 days.because i just started here
4 years ago
RandomTurtleBoi agree
4 years ago
The_Extreme_Auto thing is, why would an 18 year old waste their time on a 2d black and white bike simulator out of all things