Published 3 years ago - 221 plays
Ever since I made 15 subs, I haven't gotten any more subs. What is wrong with my track making? Some people make one track and get 10 subs while I have 63 tracks and 15 subs. Help!
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3 years ago
Mr.Mole make sure to put effort into your tracks and make them smoother. Also detail helps out a ton.
3 years ago
Mr.Mole it's weird some tracks blow up when you didn't expec them to and others that you work hard on get barly any. if you can right when you upload a track get sombody to like it that will make it go on hot,there for geting more plays
3 years ago
thats just how it is but if you try harder in detail and show that your making effort to make better tracks you will gain more subs,