Gurkinn's Alakazam
Published 2 years ago - 8.9k plays
Its brain cells multiply continually until it dies. As a result, it remembers everything. Entry to Volund's Pokemon Card Contest. (one day late)
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2 years ago
emorta oh okay
2 years ago
XGRAzgr i wasn't talking about you.. there was some guy between me and MGable who spammed a bunch of nasty words
2 years ago
like intrepid journey and ithaka, they're some years old. i also dreamt that there was a thread to suggest dailies like the feat suggestion one, coincidentally when i was sleeping today. what do you also think about that? (also sorry if i bothered you)
2 years ago
Totoca12 lol what i mean by that is that you (or eryp) are always chosing feats that are 1+ months old, out of 7 dailies, 4 are 1+ month old feats, and lucario v was chosen twice in a month, and there were days that there was no dailies. i got an idea to fix this: why not add a randomized daily track? (as you can see at emorta i like this track, i just made a bad joke so you didn't get it