Anyone want to detail?
Published 2 years ago - 463 plays
track code in comments feel free to post it if you give me credit thanks and enjoy your day
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2 years ago
bahadiryilmaz063 track code bottom one first if you detail
2 years ago
H0tsh0t what do you type
2 years ago
7b qq 75 re 6v s1 6n si 6e t3 64 ti 5p u0 5e ud 51 up 4j v3 45 v8 3t,1es -3t 1es -3h 1er -2q 1ep -23 1en -1c 1ek -m 1ef 0 1ea m 1e5 1c 1du 21 1dn 2n 1de 3c 1d5 40 1cr 4l 1cg 59 1c5 5t 1bo 6h 1bb 74 1at 7o 1ae 8b 19u 8u 19e 9g 18s a2 18a a
2 years ago
-2b 1i -2b 1u -2a 2m -28 3c -25 40 -21 4j -1s 54 -1m 5j -1g 62 -18 6e -v 6p -l 72 -a 7a 1 7g e 7l s 7o 1a 7q 1i 7q 29 7q 3n 7q 54 7q 6f 7q 7p 7q 92 7q aa 7q bh 7q cm 7q dq 7q eu 7q g0 7q h0 7q i0 7q iu 7q js 7q ka 7q l3 7q ls 7q ma 7q n5 7p nv 7n on 7k pf 7g q5