4j 3v 49 3b 4j h 4j -11 4t -29
Published 2 years ago - 297 plays
4j 3v 49 3b 4j h 4j -11 4t -29 65 -61 6f -8h 6p -b1 81 -ct 81 -e5 81 -ep 8b -gb 8v -ih 8v -kd 8v -lb 9j -mt 9j -o5 9t -p3 ah -qb ar -qv bf -rt c3 -sr db -ud e9 -vb fh -vv il -109 jj -10j md -10j n1 -10j oj -10j qf -10j s1 -10j sv -10j tt -10j ur -10j 10n -10j 11l -10j 129 -10j 13r -10j 14p -10j 161
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2 years ago
pssst rude squiggle 3/4 of the way through. +1